Meat Mixture
1/2 cup breadcrumbs
1/4 cup milk
1 1/2 cups mixed minced (ground) meat
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1/2 teaspoon white or black pepper
1 tablespoon grated onion
1 egg
Butter, for frying
soy sauce
First, mix the breadcrumbs with the milk. Let stand for 10 minutes; otherwise the meatballs may get the taste of bread.
Meanwhile, mix the minced meat with the salt. The salt actually helps the mince stay together. Add pepper, and, if desired, other spices such as ginger, and the onion.
Now add the milk and breadcrumbs mixture and the egg to the meat. The egg makes the whole mixture more porous and easier to fry. Mix the ingredients well, but don't overdo, which could result in that the fat escapes from the meat. Don't use a kitchen mixer, use your hands! Roll the mixture to balls, about 20-25 mm (1 inch) in diameter, using your hands. Washing your hands in cold water now and again makes the rolling easier. Place the balls on a cutting board that has been rinsed in water (prevents the balls from sticking). Heat butter in a hot frying pan.
Place the balls in the pan, but not all at once. Shake the pan now and again so the meatballs get fried on all sides. Once they have obtained a golden brown color, reduce the heat and let them fry for another 3-5 minutes, depending on size. Do not cover the frying pan. Once they are fried, remove them from the pan before you start on the gravy. For the gravy: After the batch of the fried meat balls is cooked, add some some water to the frying pan and stir. This is the base for the gravy. When finished frying, stir the flour (mix with cold water before adding) into the gravy and spice with soy sauce.