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Refried Pinto Beans

Refried Pinto Beans


  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)

  • 2 cans pinto beans (15 ounces each), drained

  • 1 can diced green chilies (4 ounces)

  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper


Place a medium skillet over medium-high heat with two turns of the pan of EVOO, about 2 tablespoons. Add one can of the beans and the chilies to the pan and cook, mashing them up with the back of a spoon. When one can has been mashed up, add the remaining can of beans and continue cooking to heat through. Season with salt and pepper and serve. This is one of many "Yum-o!" recipes – it's good and good for you. To find out more about Yum-o!, Rachael's nonprofit organization, go to