2 cups chicken stock
1/4 cup currants (a generous handful)
1 fresh or dry bay leaf
1 rounded tablespoon mild curry paste or powder
Salt and pepper
2 tablespoons butter
1 box frozen peas (10 ounces)
2 cups couscous
1/2 cup toasted, slivered almonds
4-6 scallions, green and white parts thinly sliced
In a small saucepot, combine the chicken stock, currants, bay leaf, curry, a little salt and pepper and the butter. Bring up to a boil, add the peas and bring back up to a boil. Place the couscous in a large bowl and pour the seasoned stock over it. Wrap the bowl tightly with some plastic wrap and let the couscous stand for five minutes. Remove the plastic wrap and fluff the couscous with a fork. Remove bay leaf, add the toasted almonds and scallions, stirring to distribute evenly. Serve hot, warm or cold, over a bed of mixed greens. Yum-o!