1 can quartered artichoke hearts in water, drained (15 ounces)
1 jar marinated baby mushrooms and their liquid (6 ounces)
1 shallot, coarsely chopped
4 sprigs fresh tarragon leaves, stripped, plus a few sprigs for garnish
3 tablespoons white wine vinegar
Salt and pepper
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), plus some for drizzling
16 baby lamb chops, cut by your butcher
1/2 pound baby cut carrots, available packaged in the produce department at the grocery store
1/2 pound sugar snap peas
4 radishes, cleaned and trimmed, greens left on, halved lengthwise
Pre-heat the broiler or grill pan to high.
In a food processor, combine the artichokes, marinated mushrooms, shallot, tarragon and vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. Turn food processor on and stream in about 1/2 cup EVOO until a spoonable, fairly smooth dip forms, about one minute. Scrape the dip into a serving bowl and place a demitasse spoon (small teaspoon) in the dip so it can be easy applied to each individual cooked lamb chop.
Drizzle chops with a few teaspoons of EVOO and season with salt and pepper. Grill or broil two minutes on each side and remove to rest.
To serve, place dip on a large platter or cutting board and surround with cooked chops and piles of baby cut carrots, sugar snap peas and halved radishes for dipping and topping. Garnish platter with additional sprigs of tarragon.