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Rachael Ray in Tuscany

Grandpa Emmanuele Artichokes Recipe

  • Servings: 4-6

When I was a little girl my grandpa, Emmanuele, lived with us, he was truly my best friend, and I remember him through food.  So when I cook food that he taught me how to cook, I am with him again.  Grandpa Emmanuele’s artichokes are full of warm memories of him for me, that is part of why I love making them, the other part is that they are delicious. 

Recipe featured on Rachael Ray in Tuscany.


  • 2 large or 3 medium globe artichokes
  • 2 lemons
  • 8 tablespoons EVOO, plus more to drizzle 
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 8 anchovy filets
  • 3 cups bread crumbs, I use half panko combined with homemade
  • 1 ½ cups grated Parmigiano-Reggiano or pecorino and Parmigiano combined
  • 1 large bunch of parsley, stemmed and finely chopped  
  • 3 cloves of garlic, grated
  • About a cup of water or stock


Trim the stems of the artichokes so they have a flat base to rest on when sitting in the baking dish. Trim off dark leaves or tough ends of leaves as well.   


Heat a pot of water with the juice of 1 lemon in it and put a steamer or colander over top.  Steam artichokes for 30-40 minutes until leaves loosen. Cool upside down on kitchen towels.  


 Heat oven to 425 F (210 C).


While artichokes steam, heat 6 T EVOO and butter over medium heat and melt in anchovies and stir to melt and dissipate them. Then add breadcrumbs and toast a bit until light golden brown. Remove from heat.

Loosen artichoke leaves to expose the choke and scrape it out with a grapefruit spoon or teaspoon.

Combine breadcrumbs with cheese, parsley and grated garlic.   


To a baking dish, add stock and arrange artichokes.  Fill the artichoke from the inside or center of the artichoke out. Use a spoon to add all the breadcrumbs and cheese carefully and evenly. Drizzle with  a bit more EVOO and roast for 15 minutes or so to heat up and set stuffing.


In a small saute pan, heat up the last 2 tablespoons of EVOO and brown the lemon cut side down. Squeeze juice from charred lemon on top of artichokes and serve.

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